

  • June 5, 2018

我正在創建一個圖表來顯示不同國家/地區的死亡率(每 1000 人)的趨勢,並且應該來自該圖的故事是德國(淺藍色線)是唯一一個在 1932 年之後趨勢增加的國家。這是我的第一次(基本)嘗試




year     de     fr      be       nl     den      ch     aut     cz       pl
1927    10.9    16.5    13      10.2    11.6    12.4    15      16      17.3
1928    11.2    16.4    12.8    9.6     11      12      14.5    15.1    16.4
1929    11.4    17.9    14.4    10.7    11.2    12.5    14.6    15.5    16.7
1930    10.4    15.6    12.8    9.1     10.8    11.6    13.5    14.2    15.6
1931    10.4    16.2    12.7    9.6     11.4    12.1    14      14.4    15.5
1932    10.2    15.8    12.7    9       11      12.2    13.9    14.1    15
1933    10.8    15.8    12.7    8.8     10.6    11.4    13.2    13.7    14.2
1934    10.6    15.1    11.7    8.4     10.4    11.3    12.7    13.2    14.4
1935    11.4    15.7    12.3    8.7     11.1    12.1    13.7    13.5    14
1936    11.7    15.3    12.2    8.7     11      11.4    13.2    13.3    14.2
1937    11.5    15      12.5    8.8     10.8    11.3    13.3    13.3    14





我是在JMP的交互式 Graph Builder 中製作的。JMP 腳本是:

Graph Builder(
Size( 528, 456 ), Show Control Panel( 0 ), Show Legend( 0 ),
// variable role assignments:
Variables( X( :year ), Y( :Deaths ), Overlay( :Country ) ),
// spline smoother:
Elements( Smoother( X, Y, Legend( 3 ) ) ),
// customizations:
   // x scale, leaving room for annotations
   Dispatch( {},"year",ScaleBox,
       {Min( 1926.5 ), Max( 1937.9 ), Inc( 2 ), Minor Ticks( 1 )}
   // customize colors and DE line width
   Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 3,
       Properties( 0, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "aut", 1 ) ),
       Properties( 1, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "be", 1 ) ),
       Properties( 2, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "ch", 1 ) ),
       Properties( 3, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "cz", 1 ) ),
       Properties( 4, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "den", 1 ) ),
       Properties( 5, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "fr", 1 ) ),
       Properties( 6, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "nl", 1 ) ),
       Properties( 7, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "pl", 1 ) ),
       Properties( 8, {Line Color("dark red"), Line Width( 3 )}, Item ID( "de", 1 ))
   // add line annotations (omitted)



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