在列聯表頻率計數上與對數線性泊松 glm 一起使用的推理類型
。我只是想知道哪種類型的假設檢驗在這裡最有意義,使用順序類型 Ianova()
(不好,因為那裡的 p 值取決於模型中因子的順序),使用Anova()
in的類型 III 測試car
library(COUNT) data(titanic) titanic=droplevels(titanic) head(titanic) mytable=xtabs(~class+age+sex+survived, data=titanic) ftable(mytable) survived no yes class age sex 1st class child women 0 1 man 0 5 adults women 4 140 man 118 57 2nd class child women 0 13 man 0 11 adults women 13 80 man 154 14 3rd class child women 17 14 man 35 13 adults women 89 76 man 387 75 freqdata=data.frame(mytable) fullmodel=glm(Freq~SITE*SEX*MORTALITY,family=poisson,data=freqdata)
那麼對於不同分類因素之間的相互作用的最明智的測試是否會由 I 型 SS 給出,如
anova(fullmodel, test="Chisq") Analysis of Deviance Table Model: poisson, link: log Response: Freq Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi) NULL 23 2173.33 class 2 231.18 21 1942.15 < 2.2e-16 *** age 1 1072.61 20 869.54 < 2.2e-16 *** sex 1 137.74 19 731.80 < 2.2e-16 *** survived 1 77.61 18 654.19 < 2.2e-16 *** class:age 2 32.41 16 621.78 9.178e-08 *** class:sex 2 29.61 14 592.17 3.719e-07 *** age:sex 1 6.09 13 586.09 0.01363 * class:survived 2 132.69 11 453.40 < 2.2e-16 *** age:survived 1 25.58 10 427.81 4.237e-07 *** sex:survived 1 312.93 9 114.89 < 2.2e-16 *** class:age:sex 2 4.04 7 110.84 0.13250 class:age:survived 2 35.45 5 75.39 2.002e-08 *** class:sex:survived 2 73.71 3 1.69 < 2.2e-16 *** age:sex:survived 1 1.69 2 0.00 0.19421 class:age:sex:survived 2 0.00 0 0.00 1.00000
或使用 III 型 SS 使用
:library(car) library(afex) set_sum_contrasts() Anova(fullmodel, test="LR", type="III") Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests) Response: Freq LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq) class 37.353 2 7.744e-09 *** age 5.545 1 0.0185317 * sex 0.000 1 0.9999999 survived 1.386 1 0.2390319 class:age 5.476 2 0.0646851 . class:sex 0.000 2 1.0000000 age:sex 0.000 1 0.9999888 class:survived 16.983 2 0.0002052 *** age:survived 0.056 1 0.8126973 sex:survived 0.000 1 0.9999953 class:age:sex 0.000 2 1.0000000 class:age:survived 3.461 2 0.1771673 class:sex:survived 0.000 2 1.0000000 age:sex:survived 0.000 1 0.9999905 class:age:sex:survived 0.000 2 1.0000000
或使用單項刪除和 LRT
:fullmodel=glm(Freq~class+age+sex+survived+class:age+class:sex+class:survived+age:sex+age:survived+sex:survived, family=poisson, data=freqdata) drop1(fullmodel,test="Chisq") Single term deletions Model: Freq ~ class + age + sex + survived + class:age + class:sex + class:survived + age:sex + age:survived + sex:survived Df Deviance AIC LRT Pr(>Chi) <none> 114.89 249.01 class:age 2 162.76 292.89 47.877 4.016e-11 *** class:sex 2 115.74 245.86 0.850 0.6537 class:survived 2 230.95 361.08 116.067 < 2.2e-16 *** age:sex 1 114.89 247.02 0.008 0.9294 age:survived 1 134.39 266.52 19.505 1.003e-05 *** sex:survived 1 427.81 559.94 312.927 < 2.2e-16 ***
情況應該如此:fullmodel=loglm(~class+age+sex+survived+class:age+class:sex+class:survived+age:sex+age:survived+sex:survived, mytable) stepAIC(fullmodel) drop1(fullmodel,test="Chisq") Single term deletions Model: ~class + age + sex + survived + class:age + class:sex + class:survived + age:sex + age:survived + sex:survived Df AIC LRT Pr(>Chi) <none> 144.89 class:age 2 188.76 47.877 4.016e-11 *** class:sex 2 141.74 0.850 0.6537 class:survived 2 256.95 116.067 < 2.2e-16 *** age:sex 1 142.89 0.008 0.9294 age:survived 1 162.39 19.505 1.003e-05 *** sex:survived 1 455.81 312.927 < 2.2e-16 ***
解決方案:fullmodel=glm(Freq~class+age+sex+survived+class:age+class:sex+class:survived+age:sex+age:survived+sex:survived, family=poisson, data=freqdata) drop1(fullmodel,test="Chisq")
這相當於 中的對數線性模型
:fullmodel=loglm(~class+age+sex+survived+class:age+class:sex+class:survived+age:sex+age:survived+sex:survived, mytable) stepAIC(fullmodel) drop1(fullmodel,test="Chisq")
,但兩者都沒有多大意義。R 將變量輸入模型的順序是標準化的和任意的。我不會用它來定義我要運行的測試。相反,在 MASS 庫中使用?loglin或?loglm,然後刪除您對測試感興趣的特定變量/組合。這裡
有一個使用泰坦尼克數據集的 R教程。正如@DWin 所指出的,順序與非區分對應於有意義的不同假設。所以這個問題只能由研究人員來回答。R 世界中這一點的標準版本是 Venables 的論文,Exegesis on linear models ( pdf )。鑑於您說您只是想知道“哪些因素相互關聯”,這似乎不太像條件推斷,而更像是從完整模型中刪除指定的關聯並對其進行測試,或者可能是測試從剝離模型中刪除的關聯其他變量根本不包括在內。